Special Pants for the Pros

by Jeff Skinner

It doesn’t get much better than playing a round of golf on a crisp, clear fall day. I was lucky enough to get in eighteen holes on a great course under a bright blue sky with the temperature unseasonably warm. I almost felt guilty, almost.

The day got even better when I came home and found my weekly copy of Golf Week in the mailbox. Oh, for the simple pleasures of life. Relaxing with the Golf Channel on and a golf magazine in my hands is another simple pleasure I relish. In this week’s magazine I came across an article by Evan Rothman that divulged one of the secrets of the pros.

We are all amazed at how the pros can hit a golf ball but have you ever wondered how they look so good doing it? I know these guys get all their shirts and hats and gear from their sponsors but what about their pants?

This past June I was at the Travelers Championship in Connecticut. On Sunday for the final round I spent most of the day following the leaders around the course. It was pretty hot and sticky and I was feeling the heat. Play was backed up on the last few holes and Kenny Perry and Paul Goydos were forced to wait on fifteen. I stood over with some other press trying to grab some shade and I notice how cool and collected Perry looks. He and Goydos are chatting away and I notice their pant bottoms. OK, I know, but we were waiting there for awhile. Anyway, I see a little slit at the bottom of their slacks. It allows the pants to fall down over their shoes and keeps the crease nice and smooth and I think to myself, “Wow, these guys think of everything.”

Evan Rothman has found the guy who tailors many of the PGA Tour Pros pants. His name is Rickey Lamitie and he has his own company that does a lot of business for the pros. All his work is custom and he offers so many options it’s unbelievable, including an option for the pants bottom called “the golf slit.” Oh yea, the pants go for $295-$395. I guess when you bring home a few million a year you can spring for some high class threads. They do make those guys look great.


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