Tiger’s Revealing Interview

Tiger Woods continues to be in the spotlight lately and it has nothing to do with his golf game.

First Woods gets appointed a Ryder Cup Assistant Captain and now he opens up to the media. That’s a sentence rarely seen in print, Tiger opens up to the media. Like really?

Yes, he really did. At least it appears that way.tiger inter

In a long ranging one on one interview with noted golf writer Lorne Rubenstein in Time magazine Tiger talks on a myriad of subjects both professional and private.

His back, rehab, his future, his relationship (or non-relationship) with the media, Elin, Lindsey, his kids, chasing Jack, his legacy, young guns on tour, his time with Seve and Butch, injuries, his golf game (and lack of one), his foundation, his restaurant and where he finds peace.

There are plenty of writers that have dissected the interview and his motives for it. It’s very out of character for Woods. The number of in depth, one on one sit-downs by Tiger with reporters is probably about the same as Monty’s majors. And the fact that he has done this has the media asking why and trying to figure out his motives.

Michael Bamberger of Golf.com has covered Woods for years and has his suspicions on Tiger’s motives.

Geoff Shackelford comments on Woods’ comments, with his tongue stuck in his cheek.

Me? I’m just a novice blogger that wonders how Woods can say some of the things he says. But I’ll keep my critique of Woods short and sweet.

First , I’ll say that I do appreciate Woods “opening up” like Rory, Jordan and Jason do and like Arnie and Jack had done since day one.

But when you open your mouth be careful not to put your foot in it.

From the interview:

You were at the center of the public eye when your private life was exposed in 2009. What would you have done differently before and after?
In hindsight, it’s not how I would change 2009 and how it all came about. It would be having a more open, honest relationship with my ex-wife. Having the relationship that I have now with her is fantastic. She’s one of my best friends. We’re able to pick up the phone, and we talk to each other all the time. We both know that the most important things in our lives are our kids. I wish I would have known that back then.

“We both know that the most important things in our lives are our kids. I wish I would have known that back then.”

I wish I would have known that back then…. seriously.tiger kids

So as Elin was delivering his kids Tiger still thought that he, Tiger was the most important thing in his life. As his kids were growing up he still thought it was all about Tiger. And when he took a nine iron to the head, crashed his SUV and had his sorted, philandering life broadcast across every media outlet maybe then he had an epiphany?

Then he realized his kids were the most important thing in his life. Isn’t that what any good parent knows from day one?

Not Tiger, it took him hitting bottom before he woke up and realized that it’s not all about him.

I can take that a champion of his caliber needs time to hone his game. But he was honing more than his game while his wife was home raising the kids.

Earl Woods did a fantastic job of raising a champion golfer. Being a good father is another matter all together.


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