Scots Get It Right, Look to Ban Donald Trump

I’m yearning for the good old days. No, not the days of hickory and gutta percha. No, not the days of Bobby Jones and the Grand Slam. No, not the day of Jack versus Arnie or Jack versus Lee or everyone else. Not even for the days of Joe Willie Namath and my hometown New York Jets.

I am yearning for the days when Donald Trump was just a rich big mouth buying golf courses and not a rich big mouth running for president.

I’ve written on Trump many times in this space but it was usually on a golf related subject. Is he good for golf? Which new course is he building? But now it’s another matter all together.

I, like many had thought and hoped that Trump would flame out and lose interest in his presidential dreams. But he just won’t go away and it’s greeting worse by the minute.

Now, Scotland, a very wise people have started a petition to ban the bombastic Trump from its shores.
I can’t help but think a nation that invented golf and worships alcohol has to know something, right?trump-scotland2

Scottish Parliament has introduced a petition to ban Trump from entering the country just like Trump offered his plan to ban Muslims from the United States. And the petition is gaining momentum with over half a million signatures ad growing.

Now, I’ve defended Trump at times. And concluded that he was “good for golf.” At the time he was building courses when few were. He was buying clubs, refurbishing them and keeping them open. And with a slate of courses that include Turnberry, Trump Aberdeen, Doral and Bedminister he has many world class courses.

He has relationships with all the major golf organizations and has a ton of tournaments and majors scheduled on his layouts. In fact the Scottish Open is going to be played in Aberdeen in 2017, 2019 and 2020.

It may be up to debate but I have said that Trump was good for golf. At least he was good for the rich, white golfer like himself but things are now out of control.

He may be good for golf but he is definitely not good for the country.

His latest statements calling for the banning of all Muslims at our borders sparked world wide outrage. And the fact that he thinks that putting more guns in schools will stop these mass school killing is absolutely asinine.

The fact is Trump is a bigot. He’s a rich white guy that simply likes the world white and exclusionary.

What is really scary is that he is leading in the polls and that a significant portion of the country is buying his hateful rhetoric.trump 15

What does it say about the people of this country when a bigoted, blowhard with no real plan to govern has a good chance of being president?

It says that this is a country full of prejudiced people, no matter how much we would like to think that bigotry is on the decline. It is alive and well and living under a huge comb-over.

Scotland has the right idea…fight fire with fire. Banning Trump is a good idea.

This is a country that took action when it came to guns. After an incident where grade school students were murdered by a mad man they banned ownership of automatic weapons by civilians. Hardly anyone dies from guns in Scotland.

Mr. Trump would like to think that more guns will solve problems. Mr. Trump oozes prejudice each time he speaks.

We don’t need more guns, we need less. We don’t need more hate, we need tolerance. Trump embodies the worst in an American.

He can’t lead this country. The Scots have the right idea.

If Trump ever does make it to the White House I’ll be looking for a new place to live.

Anyone know of a cheap flat near Dornoch?


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