Black Monday

It looks like I played my last round of golf for awhile on this past Saturday. With Governor Andrew Cuomo’s shutdown mandate in New York State golf courses are shuttered. Only essential businesses are permitted to be open and only essential employees are allowed to work.Black Monday - Financial Crisis

Golf and golf courses don’t qualify as essential and I begrudgingly recognize that. But it doesn’t make it any easier to take.

It’s Black Monday.

Today my inbox had a bunch of emails stating so many courses were closed for as long as the ban is in effect. But on Saturday as I was paying my green fees with gloved hands and through a slightly opened window, I was told they weren’t sure if they could stay open and would do all they could to try. It gave me and my buddy hope that we would be able to get some more early season rounds in. But it was not to be.

Let me say this…it’s the right thing to do. Painful for us golfers but the right thing to do.

I took extensive steps to remain “clean” during my round. I had sanitizing wipes and spray at the ready and wouldn’t putt into the hole, even though the course had PVC pipe in the cup to hold the mccann pipeball from hitting the bottom. We thought that being outdoors and keeping safe distance from each other would be fine. And it may have well been enough.

But I am sure not every golfer was taking such effective preventative steps. And as the virus is easily transmitted keeping as many people whether they be golfers, maintenance workers or course staff out of the line of fire is the prudent thing to do.

It won’t make it any easier for me mentally as walking the course or hitting the practice range is my “go to stress reliever.”

Our Saturday round was a much needed break from all the stress and anxiety we’ve been exposed to. And there were plenty of hackers on the course trying to get in some pre-shutdown golf.

It’s a big blow to the golf courses as this season had started a month earlier as Mother Nature cooperated and allowed early course openings. But COVID-19 has put an end to that.

I know it’s a huge financial loss for all those who earn their livelihood in golf. And the rest of our country is in such dire circumstances for sure. Things won’t be the same for a very long time and maybe they never will be the same. Life changed so much after 911 and this may have the same effect.

As difficult it will be for me to navigate through this without golf that’s a small sacrifice.

I tell my kids, “No matter how bad you think you have it, there’s always someone worse off than you.”

And that’s a fact.

We’ll get through Black Monday and the social distancing and the toilet paper hoarding and the stress and the anxiety and the virus. Eventually.

Until then I’ll hunker down, putt on my carpet, chat with my kids from afar and maybe have a virtual Happy Hour or two.

And hope for the best for all of us.


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