Spieth Making the Rounds In His Green Jacket

Jordan Spieth has been going non-stop since he slipped on that green jacket on Monday night.  He did the Empire State Building Monday and stopped by Letterman later in the day. The pace gets no easier today with plenty more… Continue Reading


Spieth & McIlroy: Our Next Rivalry?

In the afterglow of Jordan Spieth’s historic win at The Masters it is easy to get all giddy about what Jordan Spieth can do for golf. We who really watch golf know there is no “next Tiger Woods” just as… Continue Reading


Ten Things I Think…Masters Style

1.  When Bubba Watson won his first Masters he was dubbed an American Folk hero. Jordan Spieth is just a plain old hero. 2.  Wire to wire win, setting Masters records all over the place, green jacket and all the… Continue Reading


Jordan Spieth, It’s Not All About Him

Winning a major championship changes a player’s life. Winning your first major championship really changes a player’s life. And winning The Masters in record setting fashion could cause a player to actually start to believe all the great things written… Continue Reading
